The image has a blue background with the words 'Workplace Wellness' written in a sans serif white font. The letter 'H' has been superimposed over the 'W' in 'Wellness, turning the word into 'Hellness.'

Workplace Hellness

Analysis. Snark. Survival strategies.

Erika Strandjord

1 minute read


CW: Ableism, step counting, inspiration porn, exercise shaming

This week’s bonus Fix-It Friday post features a tweet from the ever-present prize of workplace wellness programs, Fitbit. Even though the post doesn’t explicitly mention workplace wellness, step counting and exercise shaming are a perennial favorite of programs. Although the woman featured in the tweet doesn’t have a visible disability, the article positions her as extraordinary because she is 85, so I’m going to go ahead and say that this falls into what Stella Young, disability activist extraordinaire, calls inspiration porn. Trust me: just because an 85-year-old does it doesn’t mean you need to do it too.

The image is a screenshot of a tweet by Fitbit. The tweet reads, "Check out the incredible story of 85-year-old Betty G. who routinely gets over 100,000 steps every week with her #FitbitVersa." I have added text that reads, "No conflict of interest to see here!" and "Alas, she doesn't get them pulling cool heists at schmancy art museums" and "And with the help of well-kept sidewalks and safe public spaces!" The image in the tweet shows an elderly white woman walking on a sidewalk next to green grass and a pond. The text of the link to the article reads, "How This 85-Year-Old Tops 100,000 Steps Each Week." After that text, I have added, "Hint: SHE'S RETIRED" The subtitle text reads, "Not sure there are any more excuses to not getting in our 10,000 a day." I have added text that reads, "Yes, yes, there actually are" and "This number came from nowhere and means nothing."

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Workplace Hellness is a blog dedicated to critiquing and lampooning bad workplace wellness programs and messaging.