The image has a blue background with the words 'Workplace Wellness' written in a sans serif white font. The letter 'H' has been superimposed over the 'W' in 'Wellness, turning the word into 'Hellness.'

Workplace Hellness

Analysis. Snark. Survival strategies.

Erika Strandjord

1 minute read


CW: Sleep shaming (?!)

Dear readers, as someone who identifies as a cheerful cynic, I thought I could not be surprised by the weird depths workplace wellness progerams will sink to. I was wrong. A reader submitted this example from Virgin Pulse, which is part of the Virgin Group (of music, airlines, trains, space…and now corporate wellness fame). You earn points for doing activities listed on tiles, and then you can turn those points into gift cards to major retailers or into money for a health savings account. Yes, this program, like many workplace wellness programs, gamifies your health. Yay!

That is all garden-variety horror at this point, but the app takes it a few steps further by telling you to stop being a layabout and just get up already (and go to work, you slacker!). Yes, Virgin Pulse wants to bully you out of bed in the morning.

And what do we do to bullies? We deface their work!

The image is a screenshot of a tile from the Virgin Pulse workplace wellness app. The top of the screenshot has an image of a white woman lying down in an all-white bed. She reaches for her smartphone on the bedside table, which also has a mug on it. A banner appears in the upper-right corner of the image and reads, "20 points." I have added text that reads, "EVERYONE LOVES ARBITRARY POINT VALUES!!!!!!" with an arrow pointing to the banner. I have also added text reading "WHO MADE THIS COFFEE?" with an arrow pointing to the mug. Below the image is a subheading that reads, "Sleeping well" and I have added in red text after that, "IN THE PANOPTICON." A heading reads, "Sleep Apps." Below that is text that reads, "There are tons of fun gadgets that can spring you out of bed in the morning. You might like alarm apps that:" I have crossed out the word "fun" and added "creepy" to replace the word. I have added text that reads, "NOT LITERALLY, I HOPE, BUT THE WORD 'GADGET' MAKES ME WONDER" with an arrow pointing to the text reading, "spring you out of bed." The tile lists the following apps: "Don't stop ringing until you get out of bed, start walking, or take a selfie," "Tell your social media circle when you don't get up," "Blash your favorite wake-up tunes," and "Pick the best time to wake you up based on your sleep cycle." I have added text to the first option that reads, "#WOKEUPLIKETHIS #FEELINGSLEEPY #MIGHTSMASHMYPHONELATER" For the second option, I added text that reads, "UP THE ANTE--HAVE YOUR PHONE ADD A SCARLET 'S' TO YOUR PROFILE PICTURES!" For the third option, I added, "AND ANNOY YOUR PARTNER, ROOMATES, NEIGHBORS...THE LIST GOES ON!!" For the final option, I added text that reads, "LOVE ROBOT. / TRUST ROBOT." At the bottom of the tile is a pink button that reads, "Got it!"

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Workplace Hellness is a blog dedicated to critiquing and lampooning bad workplace wellness programs and messaging.